Hanchin Hsieh


AKA yuchanns, a developer with a passion for FOSS and a huge fan of LiSA (織部 里沙). The creator and maintainer of the Go Binding for Apache OpenDAL, and an Emeritus contributor to nerdctl.

Shader Learning Series Part 1: Understanding Ray Marching Rendering

Warning: The following content is generated and summarized by AI. It represents my personal learning journey and thought process. There might be inaccuracies, please use it as a reference with discretion.

Recap of 2024

After a two-year hiatus from writing recaps (I skipped 2023 as there wasn't much to highlight), I'm finally back to share my journey through 2024.

[译] 不止游戏: muvm 中的 X11 桥接

翻译自原文: https://asahilinux.org/2024/12/muvm-x11-bridging/

大家好!我们刚刚在 Asahi Linux 的 x86/x86-64 模拟技术栈上发布了一个非常酷的更新, 我想分享一下我们一直在做的工作. 从今天开始, 非游戏应用程序现在可以使用了!

Bridging Rust and Native Go

Hello everyone, yuchanns here!

I recently built something interesting and want to share it with you: introducing OpenDAL as a native Go binding.

[译] 在 Asahi Linux 上铺设通往 Vulkan 的道路


你们可能已经知道了,我和 Asahi Linux 团队的其他成员一起为 Apple Silicon 平台开发开源 GPU 驱动程序。这真是一段惊险刺激的旅程!去年底我们发布了第一个版本的驱动程序,在多个月的逆向工程和开发后终于完成。但那只是开始……
